Fall is here, and in a couple of weeks you’re going to start relying on your home heating system to keep comfortable. If you don’t have a reliable home heating system in place yet, now is the time to get one. There are a wide range of different heating systems available on the market, each suited to different individual needs. Let’s take a look at boilers, how they work, and the advantages one could provide you this heating season.
A boiler system is unlike a forced air system in many ways. Rather than using air to distribute heat, the boiler pumps hot water throughout the home. A network of pipes is installed in the subfloor of each room in the house that is to receive heat. Occasionally, the network will have terminals like baseboard heaters or radiators attached to it. When the thermostat activates the boiler, it begins to run water through a heat exchanger in the unit. The warm water is then pumped throughout the pipe network in the home. As the water flows through the pipes under the floor, the heat from it radiates upward and into the room.
The Advantages
Water is a much better medium for transporting thermal energy than air is; it warms up faster and stays warm for longer. Add to that the fact that boilers don’t have to worry about duct leaks, and it’s easy to see that boilers are far more energy efficient than forced air systems are. Boilers also tend to heat homes much more comfortably than forced air systems. Warm air that enters a room will rise to the ceiling, where it is least useful to the occupants. Boiler systems transfer heat from object to object, keeping it near the floor of the room where it can be better felt.
Magnolia Plumbing, Heating & Cooling offers a full range of boiler installation services throughout Alexandria, VA.