UV Air Purifier Services in the Washington, DC Area

Among the many kinds of airborne contaminants that can harm the air quality in a home, viruses, mold spores, bacteria and microorganisms are among the most unpleasant and unhealthy. The very thought of mold growing inside ductwork is “icky” and certainly something you want to prevent or eliminate if at all possible. However, many of the standard air purifier systems, such as mechanical filters and electronic air cleaners, do little good against organic pollutants. It takes a special kind of solution to cleanse a house of these hazards: UV air purifiers.

Magnolia Plumbing, Heating & Cooling wants you and your family to enjoy a healthy home life, and we offer installation of UV air purifiers to help you achieve that goal. Contact our indoor air quality experts and they will find out if installing a UV purifier will help your home. We not only install these purifiers, we also service them so that they continue to do their job for many years to come.

If you are interested in installation of a UV air purifier, or wish to schedule service for one, call Magnolia Plumbing, Heating & Cooling. We offer indoor air quality solutions to Washington, DC and the surrounding areas.

How Do UV Germicidal Lights Purify Household Air?

UV air purifiers (a.k.a. UV germicidal lights) are actually quite basic devices: they are ultraviolet lamps that send out UV radiation to cover an area within the ducts of an HVAC system. Ultraviolet radiation is harmful for organic tissue, which is why people wear sunscreen and UV sunglasses to protect themselves in direct sunlight. The ultraviolet light from UV air purifiers, however, isn’t at levels that are hazardous to humans. But with microorganisms, it’s a different story.

UV radiation disrupts organic pollutants at the cellular level, stripping away their nucleus and destroying their DNA. This renders harmful bacteria, viruses and mold spores inert and prevents them from spreading. And the purifier does this without placing any harmful chemicals into the ventilation system. A properly installed UV air purifier will eliminate the most dangerous contaminants from your home’s air without any side effects.

Professional UV Air Purifier Installation

Although UV germicidal lights are simple in concept, you still must have professionals handle installing them. Indoor air quality specialists will find out if you have issues in your home from organic contaminants and then match you with the right set of lights to counteract them. (Usually, UV lights are paired with standard air filters for the best general indoor air quality protection.) These professionals can also handle replacing the lights and performing regular inspections to see that they keep working accurately.

Call Magnolia Plumbing, Heating & Cooling for UV Air Purifier Services!

Magnolia Plumbing, Heating & Cooling has worked in the business of comfort and indoor air quality for more than 50 years. If you live in Washington, DC, Maryland or Northern Virginia, you should call us whenever you want to improve your home’s air. We can install UV germicidal lights that will eliminate the most hazardous of organic contaminants, and you can also depend on us whenever you need repairs or maintenance for your air purifiers.

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