Why You Should Have Your Furnace Inspected This Winter

Published: January 18, 2016 / Last Updated: August 21, 2020

Furnace maintenance is an important part of keeping your system healthy, especially during the winter. However, it’s also an important part of keeping you healthy during the heating season. If you forego furnace maintenance, you are opening yourself up to all sorts of problems that can have effects beyond the furnace. Let’s take a look at some of the reasons why you should have your furnace inspected, if you haven’t already.

Preventing Issues

Homeowners tend to wait until problems present themselves before calling for professional furnace services. While prompt repairs are certainly helpful for keeping your furnace in good condition, it’s not a good idea to wait for problems to present themselves before taking action. By waiting for symptoms to occur before calling for repairs, you are giving problems time to develop and damage the system. Proactive maintenance allows your HVAC technician to identify and solve problems before they have the chance to develop very far, which is vital for limiting damage to the furnace. This is part of the reason why you should schedule furnace maintenance annually, though it is not the only reason.


Most furnaces are combustion systems, relying on natural gas to generate heat. While natural gas is a great way to keep a home heated, it also presents certain risks that need to be managed. A gas leak could be a major threat to the home and everyone in it, which is part of the reason why it needs to be inspected on a regular basis. Carbon monoxide leaks also need to be checked for annually. Carbon monoxide poisoning is a very serious, life threatening condition that can occur if the furnace develops certain problems. For your own safety, please make sure that you have your furnace checked every fall or winter.

If you need to have your furnace checked, call Magnolia Plumbing, Heating & Cooling. We cover all of Washington, DC.

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