Air Conditioner

The Advantages of Having Zone Control for Your Home’s HVAC System

HVAC zoning has quickly become the heating and air conditioner installation of choice for Washington, DC, residents! It offers homeowners greater control and better energy efficiency by breaking up the home into different zones, each having its own thermostat and control panel. HVAC zoning can regulate temperature by using dampers in the ductwork, which redirect …

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Why Does My AC Use So Much Power?

When it comes time to turn on your central air conditioning, your budget often groans. The increased power consumption required to employ your air conditioner’s cooling power will often cause a rise in your electric bill, and every homeowner dreads the moment when the first one arrives.

Should You Switch to Ductless Air Conditioning?

Within every home, the air conditioning and heating systems play a significant role in monthly utility costs, seeing as they make up, on average, 46% of energy consumption. However, some units are more energy-efficient than others and can automatically lead to lower bills month over month. 

Spring Cleaning for Your HVAC System

Spring is just around the corner for Washington, DC residents, which means now is the perfect time to create a cleaning checklist for your HVAC system. Regular care and maintenance is a great way to extend your system’s lifespan while also lowering your utility bills. It’s always worth the effort to take good care of …

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