
Stormwater Management in Washington, DC

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Parking lots, streets, sidewalks, rooftops, and many other paved surfaces are not permeable, and stormwater will travel across the surface, picking up any debris, chemicals, oil, sediment, or other pollutants in its path. If stormwater drainage systems aren’t properly managed, streets and buildings can flood, putting a halt to businesses.

Runoff pollution is a major concern in urban and suburban areas, which is why we specialize in stormwater management in the Washington DC metro area. We know how important it is to keep the Nation’s Capital running smoothly, and it’s something that ultimately affects the health and safety of our local communities.

Since 1950, we have been a family-owned business, and now that we’re in our 4th generation, we know more than ever that we’re only as good as the last job we did. It’s our name on that truck, and if you’ve got an issue that needs a good stormwater management company, Magnolia Companies is here for you.

Looking for stormwater drainage and stormwater runoff solutions in your area? Give us a call today to learn more about our stormwater management in Washington DC, Baltimore, Maryland, and Northern Virginia.

Stormwater Services Fit For the Nation's Capital

We know that DC residents deserve the best of the best. Whether you’re walking to work or heading to your business, our stormwater services provide a multitude of services that keep stormwater at bay, including stormwater cleaning, stormwater pumping, and stormwater inspections. Reach out to us if you believe our services are right for you.

storm truck

Stormwater Inspections

The best way to avoid the need for stormwater drainage is to prevent it in the first place, and our stormwater inspections help to ensure systems are prepared to handle the worst rain storms bring. If your stormwater drains are clogged or ill-equipped to filter out stormwater, our stormwater management services in Washington DC will give you a comprehensive inspection of all drains.

We inspect the entire stormwater management system, coordinate all maintenance activities and stormwater inspections, and provide a pre- and post-construction check and report of the stormwater management system to ensure that your site is in compliance with all state and local stormwater management requirements.

Stormwater Pumping

Stormwater pumping protects municipal areas and cities by removing water from stormwater systems and pumping large amounts of water away. Stormwater pumping is important to keeping homeowners and businesses functioning properly, so it’s important to turn to a stormwater management company that can effectively remove any amount of water. At Magnolia Companies, we strive to pump out stormwater with precision and efficiency, and we are adaptable enough not to struggle no matter how high water levels get.

Stormwater Cleaning

Stormwater cleaning removes debris, chemicals, and other pollutants from stormwater systems. This includes stormwater pumping, which is the removal of wastewater from a stormwater system. After this is performed, the wastewater is brought to a treatment facility where it can be properly disposed of. Our stormwater management services in Washington DC are experienced enough to clean out stormwater systems to prevent the ill effects of storms that affect businesses in the area.

Above and Below Ground Stormwater Structure Maintenance

The set–it–and–forget mentality will not work with stormwater runoff. Both above-ground and below-ground stormwater management structures must be carefully inspected, cleaned, and maintained. When doing so, we abide by all county and federal stormwater management regulations, including OSHA’s Confined Spaces in Construction (29 CFR 1926.1200, subpart AA).

  • Wet and Dry Ponds
  • Bioretention
  • Infiltration trenches
  • Structural sand filters
  • Riser/barrel lining
  • Earthen embankments
  • Toe drains
  • Underground
  • Detention Pipe Systems
  • Culverts
  • Storm drains
  • Pavement drainage
  • Inlet/catch basins
  • Tree box filters
  • Erosion control

Magnolia Companies Can Help You Manage Stormwater

Stormwater can take a real toll on business owners in and around DC, and no one wants to have a bad rain storm ruin their day because of ineffective storm drains. With our stormwater management in Washington DC, Baltimore, Maryland, and Northern Virginia, you won’t have to fret about rainwater putting a stop to your days. Contact Magnolia Companies today, and ask us about our stormwater runoff solutions or our other services, including sewer and drain services, below-ground stormwater services, and hydro excavation services .