How to Prevent a Shower Clog

shower clog

A clogged shower drain is a common annoyance for homeowners. Whether it’s a lot of hair, soap scum, or something else entirely, it’s likely you need to take a few preventative measures to prevent a shower clog.

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Why Boiler Kettling is Dangerous

Magnolia boiler 2

Is your boiler making a deep rumbling sound as though it were a giant tea kettle about to boil over? That sound is, appropriately, referred to as kettling, and it’s a symptom of a pretty serious problem with the system.  When your boiler sounds like a tea kettle, you need to take fast action to…

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The Different Ways Pipeline Inspection can be Conducted

One of the biggest frustrations with keeping plumbing pipes in good condition is the difficulty inherent in diagnosing them. When a problem develops in one of your pipes, you’re probably not going to be able to tell just by looking at it. That is, unless you have a lot of exposed piping on your property,…

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Why Use an Energy Recovery Ventilator?

For a long time, people thought that they had to choose between cool, comfortable temperatures in their home and indoor air quality. Energy efficiency was at the center of the debate. Fortunately for modern homeowners, though, this line of thinking is quite outdated. With the use of an energy recovery ventilator in Springfield, MD, you…

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Should I Replace My Furnace This Winter?

Furnaces can last a pretty long time if properly taken care of, but they can’t last forever. After a couple of decades, you’ll reach a point where it’s just too expensive to keep the system up and running. At that point, it’s in your best interest to replace the system with a new one. Let’s…

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